A Halal Auhentication Kiosk System (Halal Intelligent Kiosk )
A kiosk system for identifying or 5 verifying the authenticity of halal status of a consumer product, comprising a kiosk housing; a barcode scanner located on the kiosk housing for reading a barcode on the product; a processing unit having a reference database of barcode-linked halal status of the product, being configured within the kiosk housing for analyzing the barcode and retrieving related information of the product from the database; an interactive multimedia device mounted on the kiosk housing and connected to the processing unit for presenting the validity of the halal status and related information of the product; and an online portal system coupled with the processing unit for periodically updating the reference database and reporting any incidence of invalid halal status of the product.
Orang yang boleh dihubungi untuk tawaran ini:
Lee Ching Shya
Pegawai Perniagaan UMCIC Universiti Malaya
e-mel: leecs@um.edu.my
Tel: +603-7967-7351/7352